January 7th, 2016

We were fortunate enough to have a lovely break of eight days over Christmas which gave us a chance to recharge the batteries and spend time together as a family.  Our hearth once again was the stage for the magical disappearing mince pie and carrot.  Apparently, according to our four year old, Father Christmas likes lemonade as well.  I love Christmas and enjoy putting up the decorations but there is definitely something refreshing about putting them all away and letting normality return.  The living room is looking very spacious, in fact almost sparse and I am tempted to find some nice artwork for our newly bare wall.  Time to look round the showroom for inspiration.   


Since coming back we have been hugely busy with the sale.  Lots of our customers have been taking advantage of discounts and keeping us very occupied.  The sale ends this Saturday and then normality really will resume. 
